We Are Anna’s Park
We did not plan this life. We stumbled - sometimes happily, sometimes unwillingly- but with tremendous gratitude into the rewarding work of owning a historic home and nearly two acres of land in the heart of North Carolina. As busy professionals and parents; chickens, ducks, and tomato plants are the last things we imagined would end up in the center of our lives! But here we are living on a little land, tending a growing flock, and learning how doing so connects us to a our community past and present. We did not expect this choice would lead us to a place where we would end up working with our hands and hearts in equal measure to grow food and flowers; to build coops and community; to battle predators and pridefulness. But season after season Anna’s Park teaches us to thrive in surprising new ways. We are still learning every day how to be stewards of our land, our history, and our community. We seek to share and to learn as we build community. There are many different meanings of sustainability. We are not experts. We are students. Think of us as fellow travelers walking along an extraordinary path with you. We are a small family homestead in the heart of North Carolina. We sell fresh eggs, raise healthy animals, grow sustainable food, nurture happy families, and build strong communities with love, faith, hard work, and unyielding commitment to equality. .
Check out Girls Leading: From Rural Economies to Global Solutions. @ChicagoCouncil #GirlsLeading
Welcome to Anna's Park Homestead. Where we are harvesting the yield of love, faith, hard work, and commitment to equality. #eggseffortequity